Cervical Epidural Injections for Pain Relief
The use of epidural steroid injections in cervical spine locations in Bolingbrook, IL, is proven to help alleviate pain and spine-related conditions. At Pain & Spine Institute, we work closely with each patient to optimize their care.

Understanding Cervical Epidural Steroid Injection
Using cervical epidural steroid injections can help alleviate significant pain in your back and spine. These injections deliver steroids directly into the epidural space that surrounds your spinal system. The treatment can also employ cervical injection for neck pain in Bolingbrook, IL. Since the area is filled with small blood vessels and fat, it becomes a quick pathway for delivering steroid treatment directly to your pain-generating areas in the back and spine.
How Does the Treatment Help Alleviate Back Pain?
The method of using cervical injection for pain in Bolingbrook, IL, allows individuals to recover from many different conditions, such as degenerative disc disease and lumbar spinal stenosis. Even those who are simply experiencing non-condition-related severe back pain will benefit from cervical epidural steroid injection. At Pain & Spine Institute, we strive to use every method available to help our patients lead a comfortable, pain-free lifestyle.
Benefits of Cervical Epidural Steroid Injection
Pain relief is not only about feeling comfortable but assists with preventing more debilitating future pain and back- and spine-related conditions as well. The legs and other extremities can be impacted by untreated back and spine pain, so treating your pain symptoms quickly and efficiently is a top priority of Pain & Spine Institute. Pain relief from cervical epidural steroid injections can be short-lasting or help to keep pain at bay for months at a time. Our pain management center in Bolingbrook, IL works with our patients to determine what type of treatment timeline will work best for their symptoms.
What Does the Procedure Look Like?
Thankfully, the process of receiving cervical spine epidural steroid injections in Bolingbrook, IL, for back and spine-related issues is quite simple. We have our patients lie on their stomachs, numb the targeted area for injection, and then use fluoroscopy to ensure our injections are precisely where they need to be. The process is quick and takes no more than thirty minutes in most cases. After the procedure, we perform a brief monitoring period to ensure the process went smoothly.
Treat Your Back Pain Today
Pain & Spine Institute is ready to help you use cervical epidural steroid injections in Bolingbrook, IL, to help you take your health back. Contact us now to begin the process of scheduling a life-changing appointment.